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St. James of Jerusalem

a Mission of the Diocese of Long Island 



St. James is a place of extreme welcome and radical hospitality. 


Absolutely everyone - those of great faith or great doubt, regular churchgoers, the “spiritual but not religious”, the merely curious, noisy children, skeptical teens, over-worked parents, honored elders, and everyone in-between - is wanted, expected, and awaited here. We hope our church will reflect the open-hearted God whom we worship, so welcome is our primary ministry.

Should you journey with us - for a while or forever - your talents will be put to use, your voice honored, your heart known, your needs respected, and your hurts treated with care. 

St. James Church offers hospitality to a 10:00 am, Monday - Friday Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.

We collect non-perishable foods for the Long Beach Soup Kitchen and our local sister churches, and are seeking additional ways to be of service to the people of Long Beach.


St. James of Jerusalem in Long Beach, NY, was founded in 1880. 

The chapel was legally incorporated as a church in 1938 when it moved to its present location and the current building, which has been granted landmark status, was constructed.

We are part of the Episcopal Church in the United States (ECUSA) which is led by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and a triennial General Convention.  There are 100 dioceses - local gatherings of churches - in the United States, each led by one or more bishops.  The word, “episcopal”, in fact, is Latin for “bishop”.  Ours is the Diocese of Long Island, with 132 congregations, and is led by The Right Reverend Lawrence C. Provenzano.



St. James of Jerusalem church is currently experiencing a leadership transition.

Our pastor, the Reverend Susan K. Bock, retired on September 29, 2024. 

The Reverend Joanne Izzo is currently serving as our interim supply priest. 

We will soon be announcing the appointment of a new, full-time priest who will begin with Advent.


A Bishop's Committee and two wardens govern the church.

St. James Bishop’s Committee


Elizabeth (Betsy) Hill

Wendy Goldstein 


William (Coty) Keller
Sean Parlakian

Cathy Thomas

Deborah Smith



Sean Parlakian

Convention Delegate 

Ann Kemler

Barbara Horn, Alternate

Verger: Donald Fraser


Altar Guild: Margie Fraser

St. James of Jerusalem
a Mission of the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island


220 W.  Penn St.

Long Beach, NY 11561

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